8th in the East http://www.8theast.org/
96th Bomb Group http://96bg.org/
303rd Bomb Group http://www.303rdbg.com/
368th Fighter Group Association http://www.368thfightergroup.com/
390th Memorial Museum https://390th.org/
398th Bomb Group http://www.398th.org/
Air Force Historical Research Agency https://www.afhra.af.mil/
Air Force History Index http://www.airforcehistoryindex.org/
B-24 Best Web http://www.b24bestweb.com/
Little Friends http://www.littlefriends.co.uk/
Mustangsmustangs http://mustangsmustangs.com/p-51/
P-40 The Hawk’s Nest http://p40hawksnest.com/
USAAF data American Air Forces lives lost http://www.usaafdata.com/